To Test Load Balancing
Load Balancing is a process that enables two or more RFgen servers to distribute the client workload up the number of clients the server is licensed to support. After RFgen is configured for load balancing, the load balancing process will run automatically as part of the service. Load Balancing is an optional configuration and requires additional licensing.
- For more details on how load balancing works, see the topic "Load Balancing".
- For details on how to setup load balancing, see the topic "To Setup Load Balancing".
Setup the server(s) to be load balanced in the Configuration > Application Services: Load Balancing Cluster screen.
- Ensure the Profile RFgen Service Group is configured with the names of the load balanced servers and When Connecting to Service is set to Auto Connect before the profile is installed to the client.
After the Profile has been deployed to the client. Make sure the client has Auto Connect enabled in RFgen 5.2 Configuration > Mobile Settings or in 5.2, Configuration > Application Settings.
Run the client.
The client may connect to any server listed in the Load Balancing Cluster.
To view the status of the cluster and connected clients, open the Mobile Unity Platform Console. A status panel should display near the bottom of the screen.
You can also check the Mobile Enterprise Dashboard to see which server the client is currently connected to. -
Shut down one of the server services.
Interact with the client (open a form, type into a textbox, etc) .
The client will discover that the current server it is connected to is no longer available.
The client should now automatically try to connect to the other servers that were listed under Configuration > Service Connection.
Check the status of the Load Balanced Cluster again via the Mobile Unity Platform Console.
To test the sharing of the licenses after client reconnection, do the above test with multiple clients at the same time.
The rest of the servers should be able to handle the combined license count for 7 days.